The strongest area of the piece of work I made was the
blending of the background in my picture. The blending of my picture is
smooth and has a nice transition. Blending the background in this project was
very important because then it would not come out right. Putting all the
pictures on to one document was the easy part of this project. An area
that I can improve on is the shading on the pictures to make them clear. Like my
cloning was good but the way that all my pictures were together made it weird
because I felt like I had nowhere to move. So therefore if I could do this
activity again I would take my pictures in a larger background. I used the
paint brush tool in this project to color over each picture. We did this so each
layer would appear all at once and multiple images would be shown. Also I used
the layer mask in order to use the paint brush tool. I demonstrated the goal of
this project by cloning myself in my pictures and making me appear more than